
Tinker v. Des Moines Primary Source Analysis

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  • Tinker v. Des Moines Primary Source Analysis
  • Tinker v. Des Moines Primary Source Analysis


Students will read excerpts from Chief Justice Warren's majority opinion on Tinker v. Des Moines regarding the First Amendment in schools, excerpts from Justice Black's dissenting opinion, answer 20 questions and complete one creative task. The answers are included where appropriate and this would be great for a sub! 

Sample questions include:
--Explain Warren’s argument about why this instance of expression was different and therefore “akin to pure speech.”
--Why does Warren refer to Nazi Iron Crosses?
--Citing evidence from the text, where does Warren draw the line for what is and is not protected under a students’ free speech/expression?
--Identify and explain Black’s take on the context of the case per the first paragraph.
--Do the parallels drawn by Black in his 3rd paragraph adequately support his argument, why or why not? 
--Do you agree that teachers and students do not lose their right to free speech and expression upon entering the building, why or why not?
--Explain why some might argue that free speech/expression does not always apply to students or teachers.
--How might your experience in school be different had this case gone in Justice Black’s favor?

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