FREE! ~ Tips For Using Songs In Your Classroom
Download Includes:
Simple, practical tips & suggestions for using curriculum-aligned songs in your classroom to help students learn curriculum themes & concepts through the powerful and highly-effective medium of song.
Further tips & suggestions available on our blog ~ 'Sing To Learn!'
Children love to sing, and years of experience in the field have taught us that they also learn what they sing!
Whatever your students are studying, you are sure to find something among our downloadable, curriculum-aligned song packages and song videos to not only engage and motivate students, but to integrate their learning across key subject areas!
'A Lesson in Every Lyric'™
A Review:
'In terms of application to the classroom, and usability by teachers they rate a tick in every box.'
~ Brendan Hitchens, Teacher, Music In Action: A Magazine for Educators
All of our resources are Covid-friendly. If your school is not allowed to sing at the moment because of restrictions, our song lyrics stand alone as curriculum content-rich poetry, perfect for Literacy and poetry lessons (the music component helps the information to ‘stick’)
Our hard copy teacher resource books/CDs are available from our website (see 'SALE' button on Home page, for a very special offer for teachers within Australia).
You can preview samples of our ever-growing catalogue of songs in our Amped Up Learning store eg.:
- Our Solar System
- Four Seasons
- Multiplication Tables (12 individual downloads, or bundles: 1-5, 1-12 Times Tables)
- The Alphabet
- Classroom Rules & Responsibilities
- Multiculturalism
- Family
- Friendship (view a school assembly performance)
- Wants & Needs/Goods & Services
- Antarctica
- Resilience/Mental Health
- Australia (view a school assembly performance)
- Australian Democracy
- Australian Gold Rush
- Eureka Stockade
- Citizenship
- Human Body Systems
- Health
- Environment (view a school assembly performance)
- Living Things
- Values/Ethics/Positive Behaviours
- The Five Senses
- Natural Phenomena/Disasters
- Manners
- Anti-Bullying (a positive behaviours approach)
- Shapes
- Swimming Carnival
- Transportation
- Food Origins (view a school assembly performance)
- Community Workers (view a school assembly performance)
- Natural Environment (beach)
- People & Their Beliefs
- Technology
- NOUNsense!
- There Their They're...
About Us:
We are two experienced educators with backgrounds in the creative & performing arts who hold a firm belief in the power of music for unlocking student learning potential. 2007 we decided to combine our passion for teaching and music to form our company, KEYSTONE CREATIONS ~ Educational Songs.
We create downloadable curriculum-aligned song packages (MP3 songs & lesson materials) & read, sing *& learn-along song video MP4s, as well as hard copy books/CDs.
Our all-original songs have creative, diverse melodies, work at the touch of a button, and require absolutely no musical ability, putting the power of song within the reach of all teachers, non-musical and musical alike.
The songs target outcomes & learning sequences of curriculum documents and support & integrate classroom learning across key subject areas, including:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Social Studies/Society & Environment
- Science & Technology
- Life Skills & Values
- Creative & Performance Arts
- Health & Physical Development...
Perfect for:
• Motivating and engaging students
• Introducing new units of work
• Kick-starting discussion
• Summarising & reinforcing learning content
• Aiding recall of important information
• Extending literacy
• Poetry units (lyric sheets)
• Arts integration
• Assembly & performance pieces
• Creating unity
• Distance learning
• Homeschooling
• Making learning FUN!
Curriculum Karaoke™ is the latest, exciting, innovative offering in our line of teaching resources for schools, and we're delighted that this ever-growing series of read, sing & learn-along song videos is available to subscribing schools, on ClickView, ''…the world's leading producer of educational videos, providing curriculum-aligned video content to schools.'
* We would love to hear from you, and are happy to share videos of your student performances on our platforms (accompanying permission letter required)
* Feel free to make suggestions for other songs you think might be helpful and we will consider creating and adding them to our collection
All the best with your teaching!
Yours, in singing to learn,
Nuala & Kathryn :-)
Nuala O'Hanlon & Kathryn Radloff
Teachers' Reviews:
- 'Brilliant Thank you.' ~ Sal75 (Australian Teachers Marketplace)
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A Review:
'In terms of application to the classroom, and usability by teachers they rate a tick in every box.' ~ Brendan Hitchens, Teacher, Music In Action: A Magazine for Educators
Teachers' & Parents' Testimonials:
- ‘Must have resources for all teachers! The delightful songs not only reinforce the values we uphold in our school but also promote learning of curriculum content. My students and I love singing along to the catchy tunes!’ ~ Jenny Morris, Classroom Teacher
- ‘Hi Nuala and Kathryn, …You are a great team and I could listen to you all day! I know your educational, child-friendly songs will assist many teachers, enhancing classroom teaching and learning. The Outcomes and Suggestions in the accompanying Resource Books will make it so much easier for teachers to pinpoint the most suitable songs, and help them to 'think outside the square' when preparing their lessons. May the teachers and pupils be inspired through and by your efforts. Congratulations girls, work well done!! ~ Ricki Hayes Classroom Teacher & workshop participant
- ‘An excellent resource! It highlights the key principles of values education, while providing clear links to other key learning areas! Busy teachers will find the clear and comprehensive notes extremely valuable, while the suggestions for assembly items and performance pieces will be especially appealing. Students will love these original songs!’ ~ Kathy Gee, Primary School Principal
- '…The teacher says the kids absolutely love the songs and she is so impressed that the songs actually teach them something without their actually realising it (a novel concept in Tanzania!)! They are learning a song for assembly in front of the whole school! Miss Martha, Miss Grace and all the kids told me to tell you to say ‘THANK YOU!’ ~ Kim Saville, Deputy Director, The School of St Jude, Tanzania
'At last! A Resource Teacher’s dream! This motivational resource links together a number of KLA’s and the excellent teachers’ notes will save precious preparation time. Through a combination of music, movement and role-playing, the subtle messages of these catchy songs will have a very strong and lasting impact. After 25 years as a teacher, I see the enormous advantage of this resource!’ ~ Helen Rosenkranz, Teacher/Librarian, Drama Teacher
‘Hello-just wanted to share with you -how much the pre-school kids are loving your music ~ and me too, of course. I am practically programming around your CD - manners, school rules, etc. xxxx’ ~ Vanessa Weir, Teacher
‘A much needed values resource for classroom, music and drama teachers. Good rhythmic, catchy music with a variety of styles makes this an appealing resource to complement the Primary curriculum. I will certainly add this to my collection!’ ~ Jean Berry, Music Teacher/Coordinator
‘The Assembly and Performance Pieces are creative and easy to follow. They not only provide entertainment, but are an invaluable way of reinforcing learning content!’ ~ Carmel Sekulich, Classroom Teacher
‘Our first graders were doing a program about workers in the community and I was asked to find them a song to sing. After searching through our music books and Music K-8, I came across this, and it saved my life! I have weak piano skills, but was able to learn this easily so that I could accompany the kids for the program.’ ~ Alyson C., Teacher
‘This is a very good resource and the lyrics are excellent. After learning the song, I had my students highlight the important facts and they really seemed to understand the information quicker and retained the information.’ ~ Teresa T., Teacher
'Wow, I love your work! I’ve been singing away. It is really wonderful, well done!’ ~ Shauna K., Teacher
‘I just wanted to let you know that I now have to bribe Mr 2 to get into his car seat. Guess what the bribe is… ‘Put A Smile on Your Dial!’ Hilarious! Miss 5 and I sing along to your CD at the tops of our voices, all the way to school - and home again - EVERY day! So thanks, I think?! If you ever need a fill in, I know every word J’ ~ Samara McCarthy, Parent
‘My daughter’s children LOVE the CD, so much so that it is played daily in the car and they now know all the songs off by heart. Our granddaughter, who is nearly 8 and quite musical, is especially keen to sing along. Thank you for creating what is a big hit in our household. Regards, ~ Judy Crombie ~ Grandparent
KEYSTONE CREATIONS ~ Educational Songs
A Lesson in Every Lyric®
Check out KEYSTONE CREATIONS for more resources.